
Hi, my name is Robyn Theron. I am 11 years old and I watched a video by Severn Cullis Suzuki. She spoke at the United Nations conference 25 years ago. After I watched it I decided that I have to do more. So I'm starting this blog to inspire people to help me make a difference. Part of my plan to make a difference is to reduce the use of plastic. I understand that it will be hard to not use plastic at all so let's work on challenges:

1) Try not use any plastic bags from shops for three days a week. It's hard in the beginning, but soon it becomes a habit. You will see that you might not need to use plastic bags for 7 days a week : )
Plastic bags take 500 years to forever to decompose.

2) Try to reduce your use of plastic straws. Why do we use straws anyway? Did you know it takes between 200 - 500 years for straws to decompose? More than 97% of dead Laysan albatross chicks and more than 89% dead adult birds contain plastics in their stomachs. It breaks my heart.
3) Try re-use your plastic water bottle instead of buying a new one. It takes 450+ years for plastic bottles to decompose.

Please try to do your best, because we can all make a difference. One step at a time.

Please come back to greenteenafrica to learn more of my commitment to help save the Earth and do share your thoughts of how you think you can help. I wish to see you all soon.


  1. I am very excited to see a young person making a real effort to change the world. I am very proud of you; keep up the good work.

  2. What an inspiring young lady you are. I admire your interest in making our world a better place. May I suggest that we stop using plastic water bottles and replace with glass, as re-using plastic water bottles is not a healthy option.
    Very excited to check back in on your blog.

    1. Thank you so much Michelle. None of this would've been possible if you weren't my teacher at the Montessori Country Kids school. #bestschoolever

  3. Thank you so much. I will definitely take that into account.

  4. How proud can a dad be?
    You are such a special person, putting others needs before yours. I wish you all the best in helping to change our behaviour for a better greener earth.
    Lots of love

    1. Thank you so much.!!!
      I love you so much 😘 thank you for all your support ♥️♥️♥️

  5. Well done my love! I'll be following you on this Journey. Xxx

  6. Hello fellow blogger welcome to the club. I think what you're doing is great , keep doing what you,re doing. From Josiah☺☺☺

    1. Thank you fellow blogger! Please bring your plastic to school it's for a good cause. Check out my new post :) : ) : )

  7. Fantastic Robyn. Noble cause. Be the change by inspiring the change.

  8. Thank you Candice I will.

    BE GREEN. 🐦🐦🐦

  9. Hi Robyn we are very exited here in Slovakia about your blog and everything you started. Congratulation on your price!!! We started this month with the first few small steps as you suggested. Not to use plastic bags for shopping. But not only big bag, but also small plastic for vegetables and fruits and bread. Must say we recieved comment like: " Why are people so silly, that they don´t want to use a plastic bag for fruit?" (comment from a man on market who was selling veggies and fruits) - Well no comment. We just smiled back at the guy and said thank you we don´t need plastic. Must say sometimes it´s hard because it´s such a routine to grab a plastic when you shop and musn´t forget before you go to the shop to take your own sachet with you. Anyway we will keep on trying not to forget. :) We keep finger crossed for you. It´s perfect what you´ve started keep on doing it and we will as well. Our school year just started two days ago, but we plan to introduce some of your ideas to class teachers in our school we will let you know how that went. Much love to you - your friends from Slovakia Anna , Ella and mum Kristina

    1. Thank you so much for your support and for taking it further, even to a different continent. My mom and I went shopping the other day and the lady packing said ",its easier to use plastic bags". I replied "it's not going to be easier if we dont have any oceans or trees left". So many people are still unaware of the pollution. We'll keep you posted on our get togethers.


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